dog banana

Can Dogs Eat Bananas? Yes, In Moderation

If you are a dog parent, you have quickly learned that certain fruits and vegetables - such as onions, garlic, mushrooms, avocados, and grapes - are toxic and dangerous for your dog. So, it is only natural to be wary of bananas.

But can dogs eat bananas? Bananas are not only safe for your dog, but they are also a highly nutritional, low-calorie, and extremely healthy snack. And, of course, dogs love them!

Naturally, when it comes down to your dog's nutrition, moderation is always key. Here's all you need to know about safely feeding bananas to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

istockphoto/claudiio Doenitz

Bananas are not only safe for dogs, but they are also beneficial. The rich nutritional profile, low-calorie content, and flavorful taste make bananas the perfect snack for your dog.

For puppies, things are a little different. While bananas can undoubtedly benefit them, your puppy's nutrition is delicate and devised to support their specific growth needs. As a result, bananas and their natural sugar content could interfere with your goals.

What's more, is that you can leave bananas anywhere in the house without worrying about your dog getting in trouble. Every part of the banana is safe for your dog - from the pulp to the peel.

The Benefits of Bananas The Benefits of Bananas for Dogs

So, now you know that bananas are great for your dog. But this does not mean that you should only rely on bananas to meet your dog's nutritional needs. In fact, the rich nutritional profile of bananas still doesn't make them nutritious enough for your dog - especially when compared to other, specifically formulated foods.

Nonetheless, if your dog already follows a balanced and complete diet, the potassium and other nutrients contained in a banana can only be beneficial. Here are some of the benefits that come with this tasty snack!

Packed With Vitamins and Minerals

While bananas consist mainly of water, fibers, and carbs, they are also high in vitamins and minerals. Bananas are known for the high levels of potassium they contain, which is vital to protect kidney and heart function, especially in dogs suffering from chronic kidney disease. Potassium also plays a key role in promoting healthy bone density, encouraging muscle development, and regulating fluid levels.

Other important minerals present in bananas include Magnesium and biotin - a vitamin that promotes skin and coat health.

Low in Calories, High in Fiber

Pet owners are too often on a quest to find high-fiber foods for their pets that can help them regulate their bowel movements and encourage digestive health. However, most high-fiber foods are also high in calories, which might cause the dog to gain weight and deal with the consequences of obesity.

However, bananas are low in calories while also 2.6g of dietary fibers in every 100 grams. Such quantities can help your dog's digestive system by preventing constipation, aiding weight management, regulating bowel movement, reducing boating, and reducing the risk of colon cancer.

Contain Powerful Antioxidants

The term "antioxidant" has been a buzzword for many years now. But why are antioxidants so important? They protect cells from the damage that can be caused by free radicals, thus reducing the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Today, looking for foods rich in antioxidants is particularly important, especially as statistics report that 1 in 2 dogs is likely to succumb to cancer. Vitamin C - a powerful antioxidant contained in bananas - is not only essential to lower the cancer risk, but it can also protect your dog's immune system.

FAQs About Dogs and Bananas

With all the benefits listed above, it is evident that bananas are good for dogs. However, you should only feed bananas to your dog in moderation and in combination with a nutritious, balanced, and complete diet. Here are the answers to some of the most common questions, but don't hold back when visiting the vet if you have any doubt.

Can Dogs Eat Banana Peels?

As we have seen, every part of a banana is edible for dogs. However, while they are not toxic, the peels contain a much higher fiber content than the banana pulp. In turn, if eaten, the peel can be extremely hard to digest, cause diarrhea, or create dangerous blockages that might require professional attention.

How Much Banana Should I Give My Dog?

You should limit the amount of banana fed to your dog to ½ of a banana per day or up to three pieces per day for smaller dogs. These quantities can vary, and banana is certainly a healthy snack. However, because its high natural sugar content can lead to weight gain and obesity, bananas should remain occasional treats and not a snack part of the dog's daily diet. If you are in doubt, don't forget to speak to your vet.

What About Foods With Banana, Like Banana Muffins and Banana Chips?

Banana chips, muffins, and cakes are delicious treats for dogs, but they are not all prepared in the same way. Most commercial treats contain sugar and should only be consumed in moderation. However, you can easily gain much better control over your dog's diet by preparing banana-based treats by yourself. This also allows you to meet the unique dietary requirements and taste preferences of your dogs. Here you can find inspiration for Mango & Banana Ice Pops for your dog.

Dog-Friendly Ways to To Serve Bananas

One of the characteristics that make bananas so good for dogs is that this fruit is highly versatile and easy to prepare in different ways. Some ways in which you can prepare bananas to make it an even more appealing treat for your dog include:

  • Mix banana pieces with your dog's food
  • Create a combination of dog-safe peanut butter and banana
  • Make ice pops
  • Freeze banana pieces and use them as treats

These methods are ideal for those pet parents who want to give their dogs only the best, but they have little time left for cooking and baking. However, if you love experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen, you should also try the following ones:

At The Honest Kitchen, we know that you might not have the time to prepare these treats for your dog. But this does not mean that your pup should miss out on the benefits of eating bananas. That is why we have already included this powerful fruit in a wide range of products, including the popular Grain-Free Fruit & Veggie Base Mix and Whole Grain Chicken.

Health Disclaimer: This post is educational in nature and doesn't constitute health advice. Please consult your pet's veterinarian or other healthcare professionals for specific guidance on this topic.

Amy Tokic

Amy Tokic is the Editor of, the flagship site to over 70 different pet communities, which offers pet parents a one-stop-info-shop for all things dog and cat related. Amy's been with PetGuide since the beginning, guided by the wisdom of her Shih Tzu mix and furry roommate, Oscar. Together, this pet power couple has their paw on the pulse of the pet industry, sniffing out trends, advice, news, tasty treat recipes and other tail-wagging stories.
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